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This Week's Top 10: Pregame Playlist

cher is me at our pregames 

Happy Friday! I am so excited to head back to school today. I haven't done an edition of This Week's Top 10 yet in 2019 because as the year went on last year they seemed to be less and less loved by you guys. So, I thought it would be more fun and interesting to change it up in 2019 and try to give each top 10 a theme. In honor of heading back to school today and going out tonight, I want to share my current 10 favorite pregame/party songs! 

New York Recap

Hellloooo! Today I'm excited to share a little recap from my trip to New York last week. This trip was primarily for school, but my dad ended up surprising me and coming to town for the weekend, and I also hung out with a few friends from Lehigh which is always fun! Even though I had to change my flight last minute and come home a day earlier than expected, it was so worth it. I was really stressed about the trip in the days leading up to it, but it ended up being really fun and a brand-new NYC experience for me. Sometimes I feel like going to New York loses its charm for me because I'm there so often, so I loved how I got to do different things this time around.

What I've Been Up To...

hi! once again, it's been a minute since I've posted (sorry!!!). I've spent the last couple of weeks just enjoying my winter break with my family and friends and trying to fit in plenty of relaxation before heading back to school this weekend. as much as a lazy day can be nice, I truly can't wait to go back to school and get back into my routine. the last couple of weeks have flown by... from a balayage refresh and a few blog photoshoots, to a quick trip to New York, to saying goodbye to many friends heading abroad... I feel like I've definitely been busier than I thought. i want to catch you all up on what i've been up to!

Goals For 2019

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! I hope you all had a fun and exciting New Year's Eve! I wanted to kick off the year by sharing a few goals for 2019. I never really make formal new year's resolutions, but there are a few things I hope to do this year and I always love hearing about what you all are hoping to accomplish too!