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Everything I Wore in Paris

Everything I Wore in Paris

Back again with another Paris post, this time sharing the details about everything I wore on my trip last weekend!

It may come as a shock (to literally no one) that I was a bit last minute pulling together my outfits. I purchased a couple of things for the trip, but for the most part, I just kind of winged it! I usually find outfit planning to be so stressful, but when I think of Parisian style, it's so simple and effortless, and I really tried to channel that energy. I think it worked out well- I was pretty happy with what I came up with!

Let's recap the outfits:  

This Week's Top 10

This Week's Top 10 - Fran Acciardo

1. Good morning, Friday! I can't complain about this week at all because I spent the first half in Paris, and the remainder here in sunny, 80-degree NYC! This morning I grabbed coffee with my friend Emma, and tomorrow I head to Dallas to see Joe! It really feels like we've officially turned a corner with the seasons and I am absolutely loving it.

Hope you're all having a fabulous start to your weekend as well. 

2. In case you missed it, I recapped my Paris trip in yesterday's blog post (broke down our entire 4-day itinerary!), and answered all of your questions in Wednesday's blog post here!

3. This warm weather has me switching over my wardrobe and wanting to stock up on tennis skirts and tanks for all of my HGWs on the West Side Highway. Loving this tennis skirt under $50, and this one + the matching top (both pieces add up to just around $50!)

4-Day Paris Itinerary Recap

Fran Acciardo 4-Day Paris Itinerary Recap: Fran drinking Cafe Kitsuné coffee at Palais Royal in Paris, France

Welcome to the official Paris recap! If you're curious about where we stayed, and general Q&A regarding the current scene in Paris, highlights of the trip, and more, check out yesterday's post here

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know I never skimp on the details, so sit back and relax because this is a long one! At the bottom of the post is a map with all of the places we went!

Be sure to come back on Monday for everything I wore in Paris!

Paris Q&A: Where We Stayed, The Strikes, Shopping Haul, and more

Fran Acciardo girl looking out at the seine with Eiffel Tower in the background

Bonjourrrr! This past weekend in Paris was absolutely lovely. My friend Katie and I decided to do a quick trip for her birthday / Easter weekend, and we had a great time. We really didn't do anything crazy, just explored, shopped, ate and drank, and enjoyed our vacation. We'd both been to Paris twice before, so it was nice not feeling pressured to do a lot of the touristy things. We did a lot, so I think I'm going to break up the blog posts into (1) this Q&A post, (2) day by day recap, and (3) everything I wore!

The first two times I visited Paris were actually within a few months of each other, in 2015. I studied French all throughout middle and high school, as well as half of college, and always planned to study abroad in Paris, but unfortunately, after transferring colleges, it was off the table. Additionally, my last trip to Paris was canceled due to Covid, so just a long way of saying I really was excited to get back! 

Because it had been about eight years since my last trip, I didn't really remember much of the city. I was so shocked this time around to realize how big Paris is. It felt like every day we explored new neighborhoods and all of them just felt huge! I mean, New York feels so small once you live here, so it makes sense that anywhere with a little breathing room feels giant. But four days ended up being a great amount of time, and I'm just so grateful for the time we got to be there. 

Let's get into the Q&A!

Q1 Favorites

Q1 Favorites - Fran Acciardo

Every month I think about sitting down to do a favorites post, and then I inevitably get lazy and don't end up sharing. So, today, I am going to share my favorites across Q1, aka January, February, and March, and try to make it worth your while!


I thought this would be a fun new category to start with! Highlights from Q1 included:

- heading up to Vermont for a ski weekend in January with some NYC friends. It felt really special not only because it was my first ski weekend in a couple years, but also, as an adult, sometimes new friends don't quickly feel like "real" friends, and this weekend away really made my new friends feel like real friends :) 

- visiting Telluride, CO in February with my friend Katie and her parents! this was my first time in Colorado and we had a lovely, relaxing week in the snow at her family's house. We did so many fabulous activities, like skiing, snowshoeing, riding the gondola up and down from the mountain village to the town, and we even had a spa day!

- my mom came to visit me in NYC in March, and it was such a lovely weekend. my mom had only visited me once before, around Christmastime two years ago, so it felt like her first "true" visit where I got to truly show her around and share some of my favorite spots. We had a great time. 

- went down to Palm Beach for a mini spring break with my family! I got to spend some quality time with one of my aunts & one of my cousins + see my dad who recently moved to the Palm Beach area, and it was just a truly fabulous five days. No other word can describe the pink and green pure luxury that is a trip to The Colony hotel, where we stayed.

- the Lake Pajamas X Atlantic Pacific launch party where I got to see and meet some of the bloggers I've followed forever

- visiting Joe in January and February, and him visiting me in March; every moment we get together is a treat! 

and so many smaller moments in between! I'd say Q1 would be hard to beat, but some of what might just be the highlights of my life are coming in Q2, so I'm not too worried ;) (Paris, Taylor Swift concert, Italy, Nantucket... how did I get so lucky?) Feeling so, so grateful for such a happy life lately, and so many friends and family to love. 

Let's get into the favorites!

The Real April Moodboard (Desktop & iPhone Wallpaper Downloads)

fran acciardo April 2022 mood board spring pink and green bloom flowers nyc desktop wallpaper iphone wallpaper aesthetic download love pastel easter springy floral vibes


(If you saw the mood board published earlier this morning)

I thought it would be funny/ironic to create a mood board with images that pop up when you literally google "april," "spring outfits," "easter," etc. It was the "hello spring" for me.

ANYWAY, above is the real April mood board, and I am in love with her. She's gorgeous, she's springy, and she is not cheugy! You'll also find the iPhone version below.

April Moodboard!!

Fran Acciardo April Fools Moodboard

Happy April!!! It's a new month, and that means a new mood board! When I think of April, I think of Easter, tulips, rainy days, and bringing back out the fun colors in my wardrobe. Hope you love this one as much as I do!
