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This Week's Top 10

the last weekend of summer.... ah. so bittersweet.

 1. Happy Friday and hopefully, happy long weekend to you if you're off Monday for Labor Day! I am excited for this weekend because it will involve trying a new-to-me restaurant, lots of tennis, time outside, and a few cocktails in between! Do you have any fun Labor Day plans? My only wish is to have a boat so I could spend the weekend on the lake!

2. This month I am participating in a 50-mile running challenge hosted by my Insta friend, Holly! The goal is to run 50 miles throughout the month. If you'd like to participate, the deets are on her IG highlights here!

3. Currently reading this and loving it. So many of you on Insta said you loved it, too! It's about a POW who moves his family to Alaska and their journey preparing for winter and experiencing life there... the Alaskan imagery is fascinating and the storyline is great so far, too.

4. I mentioned these sleeping capsules on my Insta story the other night but wanted to share them on here too! I am very prone to nightmares and have trouble falling asleep, and taking these the last few nights has really helped quiet those racing thoughts that are common when trying to fall asleep! I have been really pleased so far, and if you would like to try them out too, you can use my code FRANCESCA for 20% off.

5. A local MKE gal, Heather, started a little jewelry business on Etsy and I am in love with her pieces! She sent me this necklace as a little birthday gift and it's so pretty.

6. I ordered this dress for my boyfriend's sister's wedding next weekend and it is so gorgeous. (available here on rent the runway)

7. I've been looking for the perfect sports bra for running, and I think this one is it! It came highly recommended as a supportive, yet cute option for gals with larger busts.

8. I added a bunch of stuff to my Poshmark this week! PLEASE make me offers. I need to get rid of things before I move!

9. Grace's list of spritz recipes is my favorite thing I read this week.

10. ICYMI: on the blog this week I shared

-- My August Favorites

-- September Moodboard (Desktop Wallpaper!)

-- Everything I've read recently

-- My recent Zara haul!


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