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Sunday Swoon

My new series, Sunday Swoon, will feature a product/picture/person/outfit/etc. that I simply have not been able to take my mind off all week. This week I'm swooning over...

J Crew jacket

I am obsessed with this jacket. I'm in need of a new spring outer-layer, and this babe is beyond perfect for the job. The navy would match everything in my closet and those buttons... Oh, those buttons! 

Now I just need to convince my mom... or possibly dad, he's easier to win over ;)

What are you swooning over?

PS- If you were to purchase the jacket, would you go with green or navy?


  1. I bought it in green, because my peacoat is navy. I absolutely love the green! It's adorable with anything, especially a striped shirt, fun statement necklace, J.Crew toothpick jeans and gold flats/Jacks. Oh, and it's water-proof! Get it!

  2. OoooOoooOoo that coat is gorgeous - love the deep navy shade. Gorgeous!

  3. Ahhhh I've been wanting that jacket forever!! Definitely the navy.

  4. NAVY! Too bad I have 2 other navy coats... otherwise I would have gotten it in navy!

  5. I was aboutt to get that jacket!! its adorable i would totally get it! especially the navy color, it goes with everything!


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