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Thoughts & Prayers

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that one of the teachers at my school passed away Monday evening from losing her battle to cancer. Mrs. Reidy was the science department chair at my school, and one of the most inspirational people that I ever had the priviledge of knowing. I knew about her battle of cancer that began a few years ago, but I did not know she was still sick, let alone dying, until I arrived to school Monday morning and went for the assembly in the theater to hear that she ended hospice and was going home until her passing.

Although Mrs Reidy was never my teacher, I remember her coming into my biology class freshman year and answering some questions we had about cancer. I don't remember everything she said, but I remember her saying something about how when she lost all of her hair, she felt so ugly. Cancer made her feel ugly, and she simply was not ugly. Mrs Reidy's dedication to her students and faithful heart flowed out a river of beauty that lit up her being from the inside out. I can't say I knew Mrs Reidy extraordinarily personally, and she probably didn't even know my name, but there are some people in the world whose impact you do not forget.

I arrived to school yesterday morning and upon entering my first hour, I heard that I needed to go to the theater for another assembly. Everyone entered the theater silently. It was almost eerie how quiet it was. And then my principal simply said to us, "Girls, Mrs Reidy went home. She passed away last evening"

Not everyday do you see your principal cry. Not everyday do you attend a mass at school so touching that you and your classmates cry the whole time. As a community of believers, me and my classmates are truly reminded that God is good, all the time, and that everything happens for a reason although sometimes that reason is not always known. God draws us closer to him in times of suffering and for my school community I am forever grateful.

Please keep Mrs Reidy, her family and friends, and my school in your prayers.

PS- If this sounds familiar, you may be reminded of {this post}

1 comment

  1. Keeping you and your school in my prayers! Just two weeks ago we lost a teacher at my school unexpectedly because she had a stroke, so I know how hard it can be!
    xo, Scarlett


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